Trainn is a no-code customer training platform.

Create Product Videos in 5 Minutes to Onboard, and Train Your Customers.

Zero design/editing skills needed
Turn your scripts into voice-overs
Create training in multiple languages

How Posist Academy Offers Self-serve Training for 12,000 Customers in 50 Countries

Read how they did it

Single Sign-on authentication for users to access your training portal.

Personalize the Training experience based on user profiles.

Create professional videos using Trainn's built-in Video Authoring software.

Use the Course Builder to create chapters and group them into courses.

Enable learning through discussion threads and a Private Notes section.

Use certifications and assessments to reward users’ progress.

Deliver personalized learning paths for customers on a global scale, without adding CSM head count.

Train and onboard everyone into your product ecosystem —your customers, in-house teams, and partners.

As the capabilities of your product keep expanding, never stop educating users to see value in your product.

All-in-one Platform to Create, Manage, Deliver and Track Training

Built-in Video Authoring

Create product walkthroughs, support videos, and training videos, in just 5 minutes, with professional quality. And edit them right away —all in Trainn.

Courses & Academy Builder

Launch your Academy with full-fledged certifications & quizzes, product tutorials, and on-demand courses in multiple languages.

Learner Portal

Let your users experience courses tailored to their role, company, or geography. Implement personalization at scale.

360° Analytics

Track learner-level metrics, and the revenue impact of your customer training programs using Trainn's 360° Academy Dashboard.

The Training Platform That Makes
Customers Love Your Pos Software

Learning Management System for SaaS
Build your LMS on Trainn
Learning Management Platform for SaaS
Numbers don’t lie.
Offer robust self-service 77%

Customers say offering poor self-service support is worse than not offering anything.

Focus on revenue 75%

Enterprises believe customer training positively impacts product adoption.

Preferred content format Videos

No 1 increase in investment companies are making in 2023 is Videos.

Product Manager | Aravind Karnam
Customer training built on Trainn
The multilingual text-to-speech convertor was gold.
We hated using Fiverr to get voice-over artists for narration. With Trainn, the video creation timeline has drastically reduced.
Our Finance and Growth teams use Trainn to educate and onboard users.
It’s time to level up your Customer Education strategy.