AI-Powered Training Manual Generator

Create interactive training manuals that make training interesting

Training Manual Generator

What is a training manual ?

The Training Manual is a structured guide or set of guides that provide guidance, instructions, and information to the audience (customers, employees, partners) undergoing training. Training manuals are specifically tailored to the needs of the organization and its customers/employees/partners, aiming to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness in training processes. These manuals can facilitate learning and development in various fields, industries, or organizations.

Introducing Trainn’s Training Manual Generator

Trainn offers a no-code training manual generator that helps teams create interactive training manuals in minutes with zero design dependencies. With the use of AI, Trainn automatically converts your screen recordings into slick and sleek training manuals. Trainn also lets you host these training manuals on your knowledge base, learning center, LMS, and more.

Benefits of Trainn’s Training Manual Generator

Make customer training engaging

With Trainn, say goodbye to lengthy training calls and boring docs! Effortlessly create, deliver, and manage training programs using engaging training manuals that transform your customers into power users.

Reduce repetitive support queries

Empower your customers to find the answers they seek with on-demand product training manuals. Embed these manuals in your knowledge base, making them accessible to customers.

Offer self-serve training resources

Organize all your Trainn-created training manuals into a convenient self-serve training portal. Customers can learn at their own pace, eliminating the dependency on your training teams.

How to create an Interactive training manual with Trainn’s training manual generator ?

Record your screen

Turn on the Trainn extension and record your screen. Trainn’s training manual generator automatically generates screenshots, writes descriptions, and delivers slick and sleek training manual.

Create Instructional Videos| Video creation |  Online video creator | Online video editor

Edit and customize

Edit your manuals like a pro with our training manual generator’s intuitive features. Blur sensitive data. Crop, clone, or zoom your product screenshots. Add text, shapes, and spotlights to draw attention to crucial steps, or explain complex workflows.

Create Instructional Videos| Video creation |  Online video creator | Online video editor

Share or embed

Share your interactive training manuals with customers in one click. Or copy+paste the embed code to embed your training manuals anywhere –product, knowledge base, landing pages, and more.

Create Instructional Videos| Video creation |  Online video creator | Online video editor

Analyze and improve

See who's viewing and completing your interactive training manuals, how often, and where they might be facing issues—all through the Trainn training manual generator’s analytics. Use these insights to i) continuously enhance your training manuals ii) make each iteration more effective iii) assist customers who need handholding.

Create Instructional Videos| Video creation |  Online video creator | Online video editor

3 tips For Creating a Training Manual

Identify Target Audience

Recognize the experience, expertise, and background of the people who will be consuming your training manual. Make the information relevant to their needs and stay away from needless jargon.

Provide Step-by-Step Instructions

Divide processes into detailed directions. To make instructions easier to follow, use bullet points or numbered lists when possible.

Write Clear and Concise Instructions

Provide directions that are precise, short, and easy to follow. Steer clear of superfluous jargon and give customers just enough details to comprehend and complete each process.

frequently asked questions

Can AI create a training manual ?

With the AI-powered training manual generator, companies can easily design, customize, and manage their training modules. Explore tools like Trainn to create AI-generated training manuals.

Can I share my training manual with others ?

Can I edit the training manual once they are created ?

With the AI-powered training manual generator, companies can easily design, customize, and manage their training modules.