Creating a Content Localization Strategy for the Global Learners

Your content has the potential to connect with learners across the globe. Content localization is the secret element that will elevate your performance.

Creating a Content Localization Strategy for the Global Learners

As the digital world changes, the one-size-fits-all method is becoming useless. Learners from all over the world want content that speaks their language and reflects their culture. Traditional e-learning is not meeting their needs. It limits how far and how much your content can help people. It is leaving potential learners without what they need.

Translation management is not the answer. It's about recognizing and differentiating the language, culture, and area. Imagine that your content is just as interesting to a learner in Spain as it is to one in Singapore. This would maximize the global effect of your e-learning.

Your way to e-learning success around the world starts right here. So, let's begin this journey that will guide you a lot about localizing content.

What is Content Localization?

Translated content changes words from one language to another. So, it goes beyond mere translation. Content localization is the process of tailoring content for a particular geographic market. There's more to it than just rewriting text in a different language.

There are numerous methods for reducing customer churn, and content localization is one of them.

Companies excelling in content localization

Before utilizing any cms software or localization tools, let’s dig deep here.

Netflix- watch your favorite movies from anywhere globally and choose from different languages. 92% of the top iPhone applications in China are in Chinese and have Chinese names.

These businesses show how localized content can attract and retain customers worldwide.

Signs that you need a content localization

When should you start using a translation plan for your content?

Here are the signs-

Inquiries From Around the World

Are you getting customer queries from non-English speaking areas? It proves that you need to localize your content to serve the learners better.

Low Conversion Rates in Countries Non-English Area

Are you facing high churn rates in some locations? It may be due to a lack of relevant localization of your content.

The Efforts of Competitors in Localization

If your rivals already spend money on localizing their material, you must not lose out on foreign clients.

Breaking Into Uncharted Markets

Have plans for entering into a new market? Content localization is crucial to grow your company. It paves the way for a robust presence and meaningful interactions with local consumers.

Benefits of Content Localization

Unbabel surveyed more than 1,600 global marketers from eight countries. 89% wanted to translate into new languages the following year. 13% planning to localize into nine or more languages. But why are they bending over to localization?

Here are the answers:

  • Greater Engagement with Learners
  • Learner Satisfaction Increased
  • Advantage Over Competitors

4 Steps to create content localization strategy

Here is your step-by-step guide to planning a localization strategy-

Define Your Target Market

Pinpoint the cities and countries of the learners. Explore the cultural norms, language preferences, and business customs. Analyze and figure out if there is room for development for content management system localization. Managing content gets easier when you know your learners better.

Implement global formats

Use international standards for time, money, and measurements, like the metric system or the 12- or 24-hour clock. It ensures that new customers learn 100% accurate information. It removes all confusion.

Using the same patterns also makes it easier for them to learn the information in the long run. So, choose a content management system, CMS, to help you stay consistent.

Media Localization

Visuals are essential in the field of content creation. So, they have to be socially and culturally like the people they want to reach. For example, the 'thumbs up' sign in the United States means something is good. But it has a wrong meaning in Iraqi and Iranian culture. If you want to use the same picture in many languages, choose one that won't upset anyone.

Again localizing videos is another non-negotiable part. Subtitles are a low-cost solution for making videos accessible to global learners. Voiceover and dubbing are other ways to translate conversation or commentary.

So when updating video content, go with a localization content management tool with advanced video features.

Content Localization Best Practices

Follow these best practices for the maximum benefits-

Collaborate with a local expert

Local content localization management systems are not enough. Work with native speakers, cultural experts, and subject matter experts. Their ideas will improve translations, cultural fit, and local context.

You can localize video content by dubbing it or making a voice-over. The voice captures the local language, culture, and emotions. It makes the content more engaging, relatable, and impactful.

Trainn simplifies creating and managing voiceovers by converting text to speech. It allows you to compose speech with AI tools and add a voiceover in seconds.

It is a different topic, but you should not take the risk. Know the local laws. Be mindful of the age limitations and particular content restrictions before applying.

Update regularly

Content localization is a continuous process. So, plan for content updates and revisions. Update localized keywords, multilingual websites, and graphics from time to time.

Create a global content community

Connect learners and content creators from diverse places. Promote local resource sharing, cooperation, and engagement. This fosters support and involvement.


Congratulations on learning content localization strategies and utilizing local content management systems! It is now time to put your localization strategy into action. You can even localize video content for learner satisfaction.

When it comes to video-based educational content, Trainn is among the top options. With its many training course alternatives, boost your product uptake and customer satisfaction.

Vivekanandhan Natarajan

PUBLISHED ON: 8/8/2023