Make product demo videos in 3 steps (with a twist)

Learn how to create effective product demo videos for your B2B SaaS company with these tips and tricks.

Make product demo videos in 3 steps (with a twist)

In the world of B2B SaaS, product demos are an essential part of the sales process.

But let's face it, traditional product presentations can be boring and often fail to capture the attention of potential clients. This is where product demo videos come in.

Product demo videos are a powerful tool for B2B SaaS companies. They provide an engaging and memorable way to showcase your software's features and benefits. This allows your audience to see your product in action and understand how it can solve their business problems.

Moreover, product demo videos are also an effective way to establish trust and credibility with your audience. By providing a transparent and authentic view of your product, you can build a stronger relationship with potential clients. This can also help set yourself apart from your competitors.

In this blog post, we will explore how to create high-quality product demo video for your B2B SaaS company. We'll cover three main steps you can follow to create engaging product videos.

By the end of this blog post, you'll know how to make a product demo video and tools you need to create a product demo video that will captivate your audience, boost your sales, and help your B2B SaaS company stand out in a crowded market. So let's get started!

Step 1: Planning Your Product Demo Video

When creating a product demo video, planning is key. Without proper planning, your video may lack structure and coherence and fail to deliver your intended message.

Here are some tips when planning your product demo video:

Identify Your Target Audience

Before you create your video, it's crucial to identify your target audience.

Who are you trying to reach?

What are their pain points, goals, and challenges?

What motivates them to use your software?

You can create a more targeted and effective video that resonates with your audience by answering these questions.

Define Your Message:

Once you know your target audience, it's time to define your message.

What is the key benefit of your software?

What makes it unique and different from your competitors?

How does it solve your audience's problems?

Your message should be clear, concise, and memorable and speak directly to your audience's needs and desires.

Create a Script and Storyboard:

Keeping your target audience and message in mind, it's time to create a script and storyboard for your video.

Your script should be conversational, engaging, and informative, highlighting your software's key features and benefits. Your storyboard should include visual cues, graphics, and animations that support your script and enhance your message. Your script and storyboard will form the blueprint for your product demo video.

By following these planning tips, you can create a product demo video that is compelling, informative, and memorable.

Once the initial idea is set we move on to the different types of product demo videos. Every software is different and it is important you choose the right product demo video style for your software.

Step 2: Creating Your Product Demo Video

There are different video styles to consider, and the one you choose will depend on your software, audience, and goals.

Here are some video styles and their characteristics:

1. Live-action videos:

Live-action videos use real people, settings, and props to demonstrate the features and benefits of your software. This style is ideal for showcasing how your software works in real-life situations and building trust and credibility with your audience.

2. Screencast videos:

Screencast videos capture your computer screen and audio to show how your software works step-by-step. This style is ideal for explaining technical processes, demonstrating features and workflows, and providing detailed tutorials.

3. Animated explainer videos:

Animated explainer videos use graphics, animations, and voiceovers to explain complex concepts and ideas simply and engagingly. This style is ideal for simplifying complex software features and introducing your software to new audiences.

4. Interactive demos:

Interactive demos allow your audience to try your software in a simulated environment without downloading or installing anything. This style is ideal for giving your audience a hands-on experience with your software. It can also come in handy when showcasing your software capabilities in a safe and controlled way.

Once you've chosen your video style, it's time to film and record your video.

Here are some tips to ensure your high-quality video:

1. Choose a well-lit and quiet environment:

Ensure your filming location is well-lit and free from distractions and background noise. Use natural light whenever possible, or invest in lighting equipment to ensure your video looks professional.

2. Use a high-quality camera and microphone:

A high-quality camera and microphone can make a big difference in the clarity and crispness of your video. Invest in a good camera and microphone, or hire a professional videographer to help you.

But it is not always you need a professional's aid. But more on this later.

3. Write a clear script and practice before filming:

Write a script highlighting your software's key features and benefits and practice delivering it before filming. This will help you deliver your message confidently and convincingly. Once you have your footage, it's time to edit and finalize your video.

And then there’s a whole process of editing your video, pre, and post-production.

Before you know it, it’s too late, and the next new feature is out there for you to highlight in your demo video.

What if you have a new way to create product videos, but in half the time it takes for you even to read this blog?

Actual Step 2: Introducing Zing by Trainn!

Let's face it, product demos can be a snooze-fest, but they don't have to be!

SaaS companies want to create a demo video to knock their audience's socks off.

Now you can have your Steve Jobs presentation without hassle from dependencies or fragmented tools.

Walking your audience through your product should be like talking about your first love that’s why our new tool is designed for ease and perfection.

Record any workflow from your browser with or without your face (yes, the introverts in the office voted against the ‘camera on’ memo).

Well, that’s it.

You only have to do Step 1.

Trainn captures your movements across the screen and generates clips that can then be edited, hyped up with the effects we have in our library.

You can publish and share in one click with your stakeholders.

The best part is you don’t need any video editing experience. Our in-built AI text-to-speech converter also turns your scripts into audio in any language you want.

Join the waitlist for Zing by Trainn now.

Step 3: Optimizing Your Product Demo Video

Now that you've created your product demo video, it's time to optimize it for SEO and social media. Optimizing your video can help it reach a wider audience, improve its visibility on search engines and social media platforms, and ultimately drive more leads and conversions for your business.

Here are some tips for optimizing your product demo video:

1. Choose the right title, tags, and descriptions:

Your video title, tags, and descriptions should be relevant, informative, and keyword-rich. Choose keywords your target audience is searching for and include them in your title and description. Use tags to categorize your video and make it easier to find.

2. Add a call-to-action (CTA):

At the end of your video, add a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) to encourage viewers to take action. This could be to sign up for a free trial, download a white paper, or visit your website. Ensure your CTA is relevant to the content of your video and provides value to your audience.

3. Promote your video on social media:

Social media is a powerful platform for promoting and reaching your target audience. Share your video on your company's social media profiles and in relevant groups and communities. Use hashtags and mentions to increase visibility and engagement.

4. Embed your video on your website:

Embedding your video on your website can help increase engagement and drive more traffic. Add your video to relevant product pages, blog posts, and landing pages to give visitors a visual representation of your product.

5. Measure and analyze:

Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics or YouTube Analytics to track the performance of your video. Monitor metrics such as views, engagement, and conversions to see how your video performs and make improvements as needed.

With Trainn, you have in-build video analysis dashboard that helps you get real-time learner/viewer insights.

Optimizing your product demo video can improve visibility, reach, and engagement and ultimately drive more leads and conversions for your business.

Product demo videos effectively showcase your product and communicate its value to your target audience. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can create a compelling and informative product demo video that resonates with your audience and drives more leads and conversions for your business.

The best part is today, with tools like Trainn, creating product videos has become accessible for everyone. Anyone can create a video with less time and fewer dependencies.

By incorporating product demo videos into your sales and marketing strategy, you can differentiate your product, stand out in a crowded market, and ultimately drive more revenue for your business. So why wait? Start creating your product demo video today and see the results for yourself!

Sinduja Krishnakumar

PUBLISHED ON: 4/26/2023