AI-Powered Quick Reference Guide

You no longer need to write lengthy quick reference guides. Create step-by-step guides with your product screenshots in minutes using Trainn Guides.

Create your Quick Reference Guides Now Book a Demo

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How to Generate Quick Reference Guides in 5 Mins?


Turn on your Trainn extension and record your process. Trainn seamlessly captures and converts your interactions into a shareable quick reference guide.



Trainn's powerful features allow you to edit your reference guides with precision, adding clarity to your content.


Share / Embed

Share your quick reference guide in 1 click. Or copy+paste the embed code to embed anywhere.


Create Quick Reference Guides With Trainn’s Guides

Record your screen

Turn on the Trainn extension and record your screen. Trainn’s Quick Reference Guide Generator automatically captures your actions, analyzes your actions, generates screenshots, and provides detailed descriptions, resulting in bite-sized quick reference guides that are easy to scroll

Capture any workflow with guide | Interactive guides by trainn

Edit and customise

Share or embed

Analyze and improve

Create training videos using the Trainn customer training software Launch a training hub using the Trainn training software zero-code customer training academy with Trainn training software Make your guides interactive | Interactive guides by trainn

Powerful Features
to Create 100 Quick Reference Guides

  • AI-Generated Quick Reference Guide Titles

    Trainn analyzes your product interactions during screen recording. It generates a title that exactly explains the covered step.

  • Generate Interactive Guides in Seconds

    Offer interactive learning to your customers. Do this by turning your reference guides into interactive guides in one click.

  • Automated spotlights

    Trainn analyses your screen interactions and automatically adds spotlights to the important actions in each step.

4 Tips for Creating Quick Reference Guides

Add a CTA

Customers read a knowledge base article to resolve a query about your product. Add relevant CTA to drive them to the ideal next step.

Group Related Information

Organize content into logical sections or categories for easy navigation.

Test for Usability

Have users test the guide to identify any areas of confusion or improvement.

Add Quick Tips

Include shortcuts, tips, or tricks to help users streamline tasks and increase efficiency.


People are feeling more pressed for time. Our customers always ask for quick 1-minute tutorial videos to learn the product. It took exactly 45 days to create over 100 tutorial videos, review, and publish the Learning Center on Trainn. Now we have a self-serve resource that customers can lean on and learn from.

Sabina Rana I Dangal

Head of Support


Trainn | customer education | video creation
asked questions

What is a quick reference guide?

A quick reference guide is a concise, visually appealing document that provides users with quick access to essential information, instructions, or tools. AI-powered quick reference guide generators ensure these resources are highly scannable, tailored to user needs, and easily accessible within an organization.

How does an AI-powered Quick Reference Guide differ from traditional guides?

How can a Quick Reference Guide benefit users?

A quick reference guide is a concise, visually appealing document that provides users with quick access to essential information, instructions, or tools. AI-powered quick reference guide generators ensure these resources are highly scannable, tailored to user needs, and easily accessible within an organization.