AI-Powered Procedural Text Generator

Stop writing pages of procedural text. Create step-by-step procedural guides in minutes for your processes, workflows, and instructions using Trainn Guides.

Generate Your Procedural Text Now Book a Demo

Free for 14 days. No credit card required. 

How to Generate Procedural Texts Within 5 Mins?


Turn on your Trainn extension and record your procedure. Trainn seamlessly captures your interactions, transforming them into a comprehensive procedural document.



Use our extensive features to customize the document the way you want.


Share / Embed

Share your procedural texts in 1 click. Or, to embed anywhere, just copy + paste the embed code.


Create Procedural Texts With Trainn’s Procedural Text Generator

Record your screen

Turn on the Trainn extension and record your screen. Trainn’s Procedural Text Generator automatically captures your actions, learns your actions, generates screenshots, and provides detailed descriptions, resulting in ready-to-publish procedural texts.

Capture any workflow with guide | Interactive guides by trainn

Edit and customise

Share or embed

Analyze and improve

Create training videos using the Trainn customer training software Launch a training hub using the Trainn training software zero-code customer training academy with Trainn training software Make your guides interactive | Interactive guides by trainn

Powerful Features
to Create 100+ Procedural Texts at

  • AI-Generated Procedural Text Titles 

    Trainn analyzes your product interactions during screen recording. It generates a title that exactly explains the covered procedure.

  • Create Interactive Procedure Docs in Seconds

    Make your boring procedure docs into engaging interactive walkthroughs in just a slick of a button.

  • AI-Generated Spotlights

    Trainn analyses your screen’s interactions and automatically adds spotlights to the important spot-on action items in each step.

4 Tips for Creating Procedural Texts

Use Active Voice

Write instructions in an active voice to make them more direct and understandable.

Break down Complex Tasks

If a task is complex, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps to avoid overwhelming users.

Leverage Visual Elements

Utilize visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or screenshots to supplement written instructions and enhance comprehension for users following procedural texts.

Maintain Ongoing Updates

Regularly review and update your procedural texts to keep them current and relevant as workflows evolve.


People are feeling more pressed for time. Our customers always ask for quick 1-minute tutorial videos to learn the product. It took exactly 45 days to create over 100 tutorial videos, review, and publish the Learning Center on Trainn. Now we have a self-serve resource that customers can lean on and learn from.

Sabina Rana I Dangal

Head of Support


Trainn | customer education | video creation
asked questions

What is a procedural text generator?

A procedural text generator is a tool that produces clear, concise, and easy-to-follow instructional content, such as how-to guides, standard operating procedures, and step-by-step tutorials. It helps organizations create user-friendly procedural documentation to support their team and improve operational efficiency.

How does an AI-powered procedural text generator work?

Are AI-powered procedural text generators customizable for specific industries or processes?

A procedural text generator is a tool that produces clear, concise, and easy-to-follow instructional content, such as how-to guides, standard operating procedures, and step-by-step tutorials. It helps organizations create user-friendly procedural documentation to support their team and improve operational efficiency.