Blogs / Customer Education
Customer Education
Customer Training Overview & Best Practices

Customer Training Overview & Best Practices

Learn about the best practices and important things to know when it comes to customer training. Discover how to design effective training programs, choose the right delivery methods, measure success, and more.

Customer Education
How to Gamify Learning for Customer Education?

How to Gamify Learning for Customer Education?

Effective customer training is vital for SaaS companies. Gamification of learning is a giant leap toward achieving training effectiveness. This blog details six ways you can create great training courses with the help of gamification.

Customer Education
5 Best Customer Education Tools For B2B SaaS Businesses

5 Best Customer Education Tools For B2B SaaS Businesses

Customer education tools help B2B SaaS brands improve user adoption. Discover how they can increase customer satisfaction.

Customer Education
5 Reasons to Have a Customer Education Program

5 Reasons to Have a Customer Education Program

Learn how a customer education program can help you achieve your business goals by reducing support tickets, improving customer experience, and increasing customer retention.

Customer Education
How to Create a Process Document

How to Create a Process Document

Discover how to create a process document with our blog, and say goodbye to chaos and hello to efficiency!

Customer Education
5 Reasons Why You Need A Customer Education LMS

5 Reasons Why You Need A Customer Education LMS

Wonder why you need a customer education LMS? Discover the top 5 reasons to have one and why you can't retrofit an employee training LMS for this purpose.