5 Types Of Onboarding Videos

Find out the power of onboarding videos and how they enhance customer and employee engagement and retention. Explore the different types of videos for effective onboarding experiences.

5 Types Of Onboarding Videos

Effective onboarding, whether for team members or customers, is vital for businesses to give them a seamless and positive experience. One effective way to enhance the onboarding experience is through the use of onboarding videos.

Onboarding videos, whether employee or customer onboarding videos, offer an easy and engaging way to educate people about your products. This blog looks at five types of great onboarding videos that improve the onboarding process. These measures ensure a seamless customer journey from start to end.

The Importance of Onboarding Videos

Customer and employee onboarding videos play a key role in the onboarding process for the parties involved. Here is a look at why they are important:

Enhanced Engagement and Retention

Onboarding videos are highly engaging. They help grab the viewers' attention and keep them interested throughout the duration of the video. By showing information in an interactive and visual way, these videos make it easier for learners to remember key concepts. This leads to higher engagement and retention rates.

Streamlined Learning Process

One of the major benefits of onboarding videos is their ability to simplify the learning process. With step-by-step instructions and demos, these videos help users grasp hard concepts quickly and efficiently. This improves the learning time and makes the onboarding process efficient. This, in turn, allows learners to become skilled in using products or performing job-related tasks faster than they usually would.

Consistent Messaging

Onboarding videos ensure that all users and workers get congruous messaging and information. It ends the risk of information loss that may happen when using written or verbal instructions. Consistency in messaging during onboarding creates a unified experience. It fosters a sense of trust and reliability in the brand.

Cost-Effective Training Solution

Onboarding videos can lower training costs to a great extent. Instead of having in-person sessions, training videos are created one time. Several learners can then use them according to their comfort. This not only saves time and resources but also allows for scalability as the business grows.

Positive Brand Perception

Well-crafted videos with a high production value show the commitment of a business to its users and workers.

By providing clear, concise, and appealing content, these videos create a positive image. It leaves a lasting impression on viewers. This makes the users and workers feel a sense of attachment towards the brand. This increases loyalty and helps develop long-term relationships.

Create a Positive Experience

Onboarding videos offer a positive experience by guiding users and workers through the starting stages of their journey.

The videos remove any confusion that may arise when users are left to figure out new activities on their own. They make users feel more confident and capable. This results in a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

5 Types of Onboarding Videos

Let us now look at five onboarding video examples and understand their importance in the worker or customer onboarding program.

Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding process videos introduce new users to a product or service. They guide them through the starting steps and show the key features. These videos play a vital role in enhancing user experience.

They also help reduce churn rates. You can easily set up various video templates for several topics, including account setup, navigating the user interface, and carrying out important tasks.

Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding videos are needed for blending new hires into the company. It helps them ease into the culture and help with job role transition. These videos can give insights into values, work environment, and expectations. It also introduces new employees to key team members and workflows.

For instance, a retail company might create a worker onboarding video that shows its commitment to customer service. They help introduce employees to the company history and provide proper product handling.

You can easily create an engaging onboarding video by educating your employees about the company’s culture and understanding how your employees feel about your products.

Employee onboarding videos include a few orientation videos as well to further enhance the onboarding process.

Product Demos

Product demos are excellent for showing the benefits and functionality of a product or service. They allow users to see how the product can solve their pain points or fulfill their needs.

Product demos should focus on pointing out the unique feature. They should further explain how they can be applied in real-life situations.

An example of great product demo videos is the one created by Slack. Slack's product demos help new users get comfortable with the program and urge them to use the tool on a daily basis.


Explainers are concise animated videos. These provide a clear overview of hard concepts, processes, or services. They use simple language and visuals to break down ideas into easily understandable parts. Explainer videos are handy when introducing new technologies, software, or workflows.

Training and Educational

Training and educational videos serve as important resources for users and workers. They offer in-depth tutorials, best practices, and troubleshooting guides. For users, they can provide step-by-step instructions on using specific features.

These tutorial videos help in day to day training in a way. For workers, they can cover topics like sales methods or software skills.

Best Practices for Creating Engaging Videos

To make sure your videos are compelling, use these best practices:

  • Understand your target audience. Tailor your content and language to match their needs.
  • Use simple language.
  • Avoid jargon or technical terms.
  • Short videos are more engaging, so aim for brevity while giving the required information.
  • Don’t focus only on the features. Instead, talk about how your product solves the user’s problems or doubts.
  • Make use of visuals, animations, and screen captures. They help to improve user understanding. Use graphics to support the narration and reinforce key points.
  • Use an informal tone to create a friendly atmosphere.
  • ​​Speak directly to the viewers. Address their concerns and anticipate their questions.
  • Make sure that instructions are clear, concise, and easy to follow. Use real-life examples or scenarios. These help show practical application. Pulling examples on how people have done it before helps build trust.
  • Make your videos to a wider audience. Have closed captions or subtitles for viewers with hearing issues.
  • Make sure that the videos are mobile-friendly and can be viewed on any mobile device.
  • Where possible, use interactive pieces to improve engagement. This can include quizzes, annotations, or interactive simulations.
  • Make use of analytics to improve the videos over time.
  • At the end, provide clear information on where users can get extra resources.


Including videos in your customer and employee onboarding processes can enhance their engagement, satisfaction, and retention levels. From customer onboarding videos to training and educational videos, each serves a purpose in guiding learners towards success. Leverage the power of onboarding videos and set your customers and workers on the path to success!

Check out Trainn which offers robust onboarding software that lets you create SaaS onboarding videos in just a few clicks. It has advanced editing, text-to-speech, and other features. With them, you can create videos and workflows that promise to enhance the onboarding process to the maximum! Sign up for Trainn today!

Sinduja Krishnakumar

PUBLISHED ON: 6/29/2023