Rethinking Customer Education One Blog at a Time

Customer Education
Promoting Product Adoption Using Social Learning

Promoting Product Adoption Using Social Learning

What is product adoption and why is it the buzzword in the global B2B SaaS industry? How does social learning help promote product adoption? Read on to know more.

Customer Onboarding
How ChatGPT Can Be Used for User Onboarding

How ChatGPT Can Be Used for User Onboarding

From personalized welcome messages to simple feedback requests, find out how to enhance user experiences with ChatGPT.

Video Creation
How to Add Text In a Video and Make it Stand Out

How to Add Text In a Video and Make it Stand Out

Learn how to add text to a video using the easiest online video editor tools. Enhance your video content with text overlays, custom fonts, and font styles.

Video Creation
How to Merge Two Videos?

How to Merge Two Videos?

Create smooth video transitions with ease and learn how to merge two videos together seamlessly with Trainn. The result? A visually stunning final product.

Video Creation
15 Best Video Editing Software

15 Best Video Editing Software

Looking for the best video editing software to kickstart your video editing journey? Check out these 15 easy-to-use tools that are perfect for beginners.

A Guide to an Ideal LMS Implementation Checklist

A Guide to an Ideal LMS Implementation Checklist

Looking to implement an LMS for your customer education programs? Discover the essential steps and checklist for a successful LMS implementation plan.