Rethinking Customer Education One Blog at a Time

Customer Education
Top 5 Customer Education Tools You Need

Top 5 Customer Education Tools You Need

Empower and satisfy your customers with these handpicked tools for a successful customer education program. Enhance their experience today!

Video Creation
5 Types Of Onboarding Videos

5 Types Of Onboarding Videos

Find out the power of onboarding videos and how they enhance customer and employee engagement and retention. Explore the different types of videos for effective onboarding experiences.

Customer Education
How does secure video hosting help customer education?

How does secure video hosting help customer education?

From empowering customer education to safeguarding valuable content, explore the transformative power of secure video hosting for an engaging, protected, and successful customer education mix.

Customer Education
Five ways to make customer product training engaging

Five ways to make customer product training engaging

Are you ready to revolutionize your customer product training? Uncover the secrets to creating engaging training experiences that captivate your users and elevate your business success with Trainn's expert guidance and video-first approach

Product Adoption
Driving Product Adoption: How Videos Can Make a Difference

Driving Product Adoption: How Videos Can Make a Difference

Learn how to increase product adoption with cutting-edge videos and other strategies for your SaaS business.

Customer Retention
Why Should You Care About Your Customer Retention Metrics

Why Should You Care About Your Customer Retention Metrics

What’s your customer retention rate formula? Here are some indispensable customer retention metrics that you should care about.