Rethinking Customer Education One Blog at a Time

Customer Education
Making the most of SaaStock 2022: Tips from an insider, Jovi Pinon

Making the most of SaaStock 2022: Tips from an insider, Jovi Pinon

We speak to Jovi Pinon, startup program lead at SaaStock, on how to make the best of the three-day event.

Customer Onboarding
Winning your Users after Purchase using Onboarding with Ryan Kirkpatrick

Winning your Users after Purchase using Onboarding with Ryan Kirkpatrick

Onboarding is the blue pill needed to dissolve cognitive dissonance in post-purchase. Let’s understand the best practices in onboarding with the help of a customer’s post-purchase psyche with Ryan Kirkpatrick from CoProcure, ex-Superhuman.

Product Adoption
How to nail product adoption in an oversaturated SaaS self-serve market

How to nail product adoption in an oversaturated SaaS self-serve market

We spoke with Economize Cloud a cloud-based financial analytics platform that helps businesses create and manage their cloud resources on the importance of product adoption in an over-saturated SaaS self-serve market.

Customer Onboarding
3 Ways to Prepare an Easy Customer Onboarding: The Race Car Approach

3 Ways to Prepare an Easy Customer Onboarding: The Race Car Approach

The only three things you need to know to set up a successful low-touch onboarding experience for your customers.

Customer Onboarding
Why Customer Onboarding Matters in SaaS: The 3 Advantages for your Revenue

Why Customer Onboarding Matters in SaaS: The 3 Advantages for your Revenue

The secret to creating loyal customers lies in onboarding. We talk to Donna Weber, the customer onboarding expert about how one can set up an onboarding process to achieve success.

Video Hacks
5 Ways to Ace Customer Onboarding with Videos

5 Ways to Ace Customer Onboarding with Videos

How do you navigate through the islands of customer onboarding avoiding churn and reaching the raving fans on the other side?